Covid-19 Testing Updates:

We are currently performing Covid-19 tests at our clinics. We have a limited amount of Covid-19 tests daily so please call to confirm availability before coming to the clinic.

Please call us on 901-683-0024 for more info.

Covid-19 Vaccine Updates:

Lifedoc Health is an official Covid-19 vaccine Center. At Lifedoc Health we provide vaccines for children (5+ years old) and adults of all ages.

Please call us on  901-683-0024 to book an appointment before coming to the clinic.

What you need to know about COVID-19

Since Early 2020, Shelby County has been fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, and Lifedoc Health has been doing everything we can to continue to care for and guide our patients.  Therefore, we want to let you know the following important recommendations in order to protect yourself and your loved ones, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Tennessee Department of Health (TDH).

  1. If you have a fever and/or cough CALL US AT (901) 683-0024 BEFORE COMING TO THE CLINIC as you may be at a higher risk.
  2. If you have had close contact with a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patient within 14 days, CALL US BEFORE COMING TO THE CLINIC, as you may be at a higher risk.
  3. If you have a history of travel from affected geographic areas within 14 days, CALL US BEFORE COMING TO THE CLINIC. Please find a list of the affected geographic areas below:
  4. Coronavirus has been shown to be more aggressive the older you are, as well as in those with underlying breathing or immune system conditions. Therefore, please make sure people 60 years old, or older, stay indoors and restrict contact with others as much as possible.
  5. If you have any fever and/or cough and your symptoms are getting worse, or you have difficulty breathing and are in need of immediate attention, call 911 to let them know your symptoms and possible exposure.
  6. For any additional questions, please call the Shelby County Health Department at  901-692-7523 or 877-857-2945.

Preventive Tips

  2. Wear a mask at all times when in public or in homes with symptomatic/exposed individuals.
  3. Wash your hands constantly for at least 20 seconds with soap or use hand sanitizer with a 60% alcohol concentration or higher.
  4. Reduce physical contact with others and avoid touching your nose, eyes, mouth, and face at all times.
  5. Periodically, sanitize work or living areas with diluted household bleach solutions (5 tablespoons bleach per gallon of water) or alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol.
  6. Maintain 6 feet of distance from people who are coughing or sneezing.
  7. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately.
  8. If you feel unwell, remain at home and avoid contact with others.
  9. Although school-aged kids are less likely to be affected, they could be carriers and transmit it to others. Therefore, it is important to protect them, as well.

Links to additional Resources

Shelby County COVID-19 Updates  – Shelby County Health Department

COVID-19 FAQs – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Q&A on coronavirus (COVID-19) – World Health Organization

Travelers Returning from High Risk Countries – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Cases in the U.S. – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Interim Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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